I have an incurable compulsion to
CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO is pleased to present a solo exhibition of new works by Yuji Mizuta, "I have an incurable compulsion to"
on view from July 19th through August 10th.Working as a textile artist for over 20 years, Mizuta has developed his artistic practice through various techniques including pencildrawings, photography, and collage. His enduring fascination with textiles lies in the expressions they create and the roles theyserve when employed in physical acts such as being worn or tied or used to wrap things up.In Talisman, Mizuta embroidered English essays he wrote while studying at a language school atop photos taken around the same time. As a record of a particular place and time, the needle like a clock's hand, the embroidered essays include the artist's vocabulary and grammar errors, uncorrected.In the main part of the exhibition, Mizuta depicts his fetishistic impulses using dyed cloth in the manner of a painter applying paint to canvas, layer by layer, resulting in an obsessive, quasi-religious paean from the artist to his beloved textiles.Most artists use fabric, in the form of canvas, simply as the backdrop on which they produce their artworks. As you will see in this exhibition, however, Yuji Mizuta employs the fabric itself as an integral part of his art, in so doing creating new expressions in 2D.
鉛筆画や写真、コラージュなど様々な手法を用いて作品を制作しているミズタユウジは、20 年以上に渡りテキスタイルアーティス トとしても活動を続けています。 ミズタのテキスタイルに対する関心は、纏う(まとう)、包む、縛るといった、行為の延長にある布の表情と、その役割にあります。 Talisman(タリスマン)という作品では、作家が語学を学んでいる時に綴った英語のエッセイが、同時期に撮った写真の上に刺繍さ れており、文章は所々文法や語彙の間違いもありますが、それは作家の過ごした時間の記録であり、一刺し一刺しは時計の針となっ て、当時見た作家の情景を再現しています。 画家が絵の具を重ねていくように、自ら染めた布を用いて、自身のフェティシズムに対する衝動を描く本作は、作家がテキスタイル に抱く、ある種 宗教的な執着心と憧憬を唄った讃歌でもあります。 絵画制作にもっとも使用される支持体としての布(キャンバス)に対して、マチエールとして布を扱い、平面作品に展開。
Parody song of “MY FAVORITE THINGS” by Yuji Mizuta and Philip Price for "I have an incurable compulsion to"
written : Yuji Mizuta, Philip Price
sound make :drowsiness
Wrinkles on clothes and whiskers on cuttings
Bags that Feel heavy and warm crimson cottons
Blue cotton packages tied up with strings.
These are a few of my favorite things.
Pink colored shirts and green baby swaddling
Long trails of cloth and gold present wrapping
Flags all aflutter in light summer winds
These are a few of my favorite things.
Boys in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Lint that floats down on my nose and eyelashes
Woven white yarn and the smiles that it brings
These are a few of my favorite things
When someone mocks
When someone hates
When I feel annoyed
I simply remember my favorite things
And that’ s when I feel such joy.
布についたシワに、切った後の糸のほころび 重いものを入れた巾着に、あったかい煉瓦色のコットン 紐でしばった青色の小包
ピンク色のシャツに、緑色の赤ちゃんのおくるみ 長い布の引きずりに、プレゼントの金色のラッピンング 日差しがみずみずしい初夏の風になびく旗
h75cm × w120cm,2019
silk-screen prints, embroidery, and hand-stitched embroidery on cotton
h120cm × w85cm,2019
silk-screen prints, embroidery, and hand-stitched embroidery on cotton
big black ship
h175cm × w120cm,2019
silk-screen prints, embroidery, and hand-stitched embroidery on cotton
book stand
h23cm × w30cm,2019
mix madia on wood panel
h30cm × w30cm,2019
mix madia on wood panel
h23cm × w45cm,2019
mix madia on wood panel
h45cm × w25cm,2019
mix madia on wood panel
I have an incurable compulsion to
h85cm × w65cm,2019
mix madia on wood panel